Song of Timelessness
A Sublime Chord of 6th level or higher with 16 or more ranks in the Perform skill knows the Song of Timelessness. As a standard action she can envelop a single creature within 60 feet in a field of timelessness, provided she has line of effect to the target. The subject is entitled to a Will save (DC10 + Sublime Chord level + Cha modifier) to negate the effect.
If the subject fails it's save, it is frozen in a shimmering aura of timelessness and can take no actions. However, no force can affect it - weapons can not reach it, spells that target it automatically fail, and if the ground it is standing on is somehow taken away, it would not even begin to fall. A Sublime Chord can keep it's target frozen in time for as long as she maintains the power by continuing to perform, up to a maximum of 1 minute per level. When she stops performing, the subject immediately returns to normal. As far as the creature is concerned, no time seems to have passed.